Tom Explores the Ford

Tom Explores LA-play

The glowing cross looming above the Hollywood Hills has, I’m pretty sure, perplexed many people. I know it did me (until I started working here).

Another Angeleno who has puzzled about the cross is Tom Carroll of Tom Explores Los Angeles. Tom’s thirst for knowledge about Los Angeles history led him on an interesting journey to the cross and beyond, discovering the Ford Theatres along the way.

For us, being an integral part of Los Angeles history is a point of pride. So much so that we took time during our closure to dig up more about our past, unmasking impostors and unearthing photographs of the Ford’s first performers in the process. Learning about the stories and people behind a place you think you know shifts your perspective.

As we look towards the future, we remain dedicated to continuing to tell LA’s story. One of the ways we do this is by focusing our season on the artists that call LA home.

Check out the latest episode of Tom Explores Los Angeles and find out what Tom discovered on his journey. And, then be sure to visit the Ford this summer. You may see it in a whole new light.

– Kim @ Ford Theatres